Bourbon Rankings
At the beginning of 2006, I made a resolution to become knowledgeable about a subject. That subject was eventually revealed to be bourbon. I taste a bourbon straight first. Then I usually like to drink it with one mid-sized ice cube, or if ordering at a bar, a “couple rocks.” I like a nice solid piece of ice without cracks – something that will hold together throughout the drink. This may vary between brands, as some are better with more ice, some straight, and some with a little water. I especially like bourbons that are not cut with water any time during the distilling/aging process. These are much stronger and have more character. Examples are all three of medal winners, as well as Bookers. Just about all of these bourbons can be purchased for under $50, with most being in the $20-35 range. Only bourbons I have had by the bottle are rated. Bourbons are split into the following sections, from best to worst, with a special awards section at the end: Medals Top Shelf Middl...